Kahuku Medical Center provides comprehensive wound care services for acute and chronic non-healing wounds. KMC's interdisciplinary approach to wound healing involves collaboration between experts from various fields of medicine, including wound care specialists, podiatrists, internal medicine and infectious disease providers, rehabilitation therapists, and nutritionists. Treatment plans are highly individualized based on the severity and classification of a patient's wound. The goal of care is to promote healing, prevent complications like infection, and improve quality of life.
Types of Wounds Treated at KMC
To receive inpatient wound care services at KMC, please work with your current facility's discharge coordinator.
The first step in wound care is always a thorough assessment. Evaluation of a wound's initial cause, size and depth, degree of tissue damage, and location on the body are all important factors in developing an appropriate treatment plan.
Information obtained during the assessment determines wound cleaning and dressing protocols. Proper cleaning is vital for infection prevention. KMC utilizes a variety of dressings, from basic bandages and gauze to more specialized products, including border foams and films, hydrocolloids, hydrogels, alginates, collagen dressings, and negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) products. NPWT products are advanced dressings that work by creating an optimal, wound-specific healing environment.
All wounds require time to heal completely. Consistency in care and utilizing the appropriate products can significantly impact the healing timeline. Another vastly important yet lesser-known factor in a patient's healing has little to do with the wound itself. This element of success has everything to do with what's inside the body. Proper nutrition and adequate hydration influence outcomes nearly as much as the most specialized dressings. KMC's inpatient wound care program provides targeted nutrient therapy with supplements formulated to support tissue repair.
KMC's healthcare experts support a patient's long-term success by providing education throughout each stage of treatment. Both inpatients and outpatients learn self-care techniques that lessen the burden of wound management at home. KMC also offers in-depth training for caregivers as desired.